Cinquefoil Phyto tea

It contributes to the improvement of the musculo-skeletal system
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Production form:

Loose, sachets


Marsh cinquefoil, rhizomes and roots, herb

Recommended dosage:

Place 1 teaspoon (3.0 g) or 2 sachets (3.0-4.0 g) of the product in a cup, add 1 glass of hot water (200 ml), leave in water bath for 15-20 minutes and strain. Adults shall take 1/3 glass 3 times a day at mealtimes. Ready tea shall be kept in the refrigerator. Duration of administration is 2-3 weeks


Individual intolerance to ingredients of the dietary supplement, pregnancy, breastfeeding, carbohydrate metabolism disorder, diabetes mellitus.

Shelf life:

2 years 

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